Equipping the Church to Transform the Nation.
This is a time when God’s eyes are on nations. Many aspects of our nation are shifting; we have seen our society radically change in recent years, governments have been faced with issues which have been beyond their ability to solve and the nation is making decisions which will position it for the next season, choosing world views and spiritual as well as natural alignments.
The enemy has a plan, but God also has a plan and He has been positioning His Church to become again the powerhouse it was in its early days. In those early years it changed the lives of multitudes and brought such radical change not only to nations, but even our calendars were affected.
This is the time when God is calling His church, His people, to step into the fullness of who He made them to be. He has been speaking to many of the incredible opportunity in this season to see an awakening come to our land, to see both the salvation of individuals and the transformation of society.
It is a time to pray, not only for individuals, but also for those things that affect the nation.
It is also a time to use our God given authority in the place of prayer to shift atmospheres and release His Kingdom into our world.
In Hebrews 8, the tabernacle Moses built was a shadow of that in heaven, so in the same way our Christian heritage is only a shadow of what God is making possible in the future. He is raising many in His church to govern in the spiritual realm through the power of prayer and declaration.
Hope and faith are rising, so as we begin this journey: –
We say to this territory, as part of the United Kingdom, arise shine for your light has come! And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will arise over you, and His Glory shall be seen upon you.
We release to Your people vision for the season ahead, vision for the nation. We declare Your people will take hold of all the opportunity and the responsibility that You are offering them today.
We bless this nation in the Name of Jesus.