


According to Your word in Job 22:28, ‘You will declare a thing and it shall be established.’ …… We declare over the United Kingdom – this is a nation marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose



“Where there is no (wise, intelligent) guidance the people fall (and go off-course like a ship without a helm). But in the abundance of (wise and godly) counsellors there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14 AMP And “(skilful and godly wisdom) is with those who welcome...



 We decree and declare God’s heart for justice, protection and blessing will be expressed and experienced by all men and women, irrespective of race, colour, ethnicity, religion or background.

Following on …

Following on …

Thank you  to everyone who has written in, thanking me for the declarations. You are all a blessing! I would say again though - - I don’t expect this to be the end of Passion for the Nation. I am aware that over the years many of our declarations have found their way...

Shaping the Nation – 3

Shaping the Nation – 3

Land, Farms and Fruitfulness You cause grass to grow for the livestock and plants for people to use. You allow them to produce food from the earth – wine to make them glad, olive oil to soothe their skin, and bread to give them strength’ Psalms 104:14,15 TPT We come...



This is the year to see the promises of God begin to manifest, the year to see recovery and restoration. For me, I know God has been speaking about change for some time - so this will be the last “Shaping the Nation’ series for the United Kingdom in the foreseeable...

Shaping a Nation 1

Shaping a Nation 1

Many of God’s people have been fasting and praying for the first few weeks of 2023, Some, fasting for their own breakthroughs, others for the situations facing the nation. From time to time it's important to remember the big picture, to remember the original purpose...


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