A New Era of Government – Day 7

A New Era of Government – Day 7

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Government

Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory, and we declare over this nation, ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done as it is in heaven.’

whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” Luke 16:10

We decree and declare in this new era for the United Kingdom, the righteousness which exalts a nation will be strong above every other attitude and desire.

We declare businesses, charities, councils, and government institutions will manage all matters of financial stewardship with wisdom and skill. We agree that the God given gift of governance will arise in great measure across the financial sector of this land, that from infrastructure to personnel it is positioned for blessing.  We speak the release of Godly strategic economic planning, practise and systems across our land, that all unrighteousness management and movement of money is exposed, and our economy re-aligned with Heaven’s economy.

We speak God given revelatory wisdom to those who work at the Treasury, Bank of England, Stock Exchange, Investment and Trade Organisations and across the Banking World, that they will understand the complexities and be creative in thinking, that the economy of this nation will not only be resilient but flourish.

12 Days of Prayer –  Supporting Ministries: Adele Richards – National Day of Prayer. Suzanne Ferrett – Passion for the Nation. Rachel Hickson and Helen Azer – Heartcry for Change. David Vincent – London Prayer. Louise Reid – Mountain View. S. Tranter – CCR/EPW. LD.  James Aladiran – Prayer Storm.


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