American Elections 4

American Elections 4

by | Nov 11, 2016 | Government

Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus whose right hand I have held

Isaiah 45: 1,2 (See NB below)

In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare, the new American administration will align with every purpose in Heaven for this season that every aspect of Your Kingdom including, Righteousness, Justice, Truth, Mercy and Moral Law will be established throughout society.

We release Godly wisdom and supernatural connections to the President-elect, Donald Trump, that throughout his term of office, he will be surrounded by those who carry wise counsel and God given strategies to pull down and to build up according to Heaven’s design. Jeremiah 1:9,10

We come into agreement with Your word, that “You appoint authorities and leaders over us.” In the Name of Jesus, we declare every appointment and advisor to the White House, Senate and House of Representatives as well as every Supreme Court appointment will be filled with men and women You have chosen for this time.  Romans 13:1

We speak peace to the people, we bind all fear and division, and we decree and declare the nation will unite behind Your Kingdom purposes, in the Jesus Name.

NB A while ago Lance Wallnau gave a prophetic word that “God is raising up Trump as a wrecking ball in the nation” in effect to bring change as a non-believer, where the believers voice would not be heard – a specific outworking would be to break down political correctness.


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