Three Pillars

Three Pillars

by | Jun 27, 2022

As I watch some of the events going on around us, I was reminded that many have said that the stability which the United Kingdom has enjoyed through the centuries has been because of the strength of the three pillars of our society: Church, Monarchy and Parliament. Many of you will know both our monarchy and our government were founded on the awareness of, and commitment to, a Higher Authority, and together with the church, these three structures have kept our nation stable and secure. However, we are all aware of the shakings and changes taking place and according to 1Timothy 2:1, we must keep praying for God’s cleansing and restoration.

God is doing something fresh in our land, but its easy to know this to be true in certain areas, yet in other areas of our lives to allow our thinking to remain in the old. God is and has been preparing His church to step into the voids that are opening.

In the end, the spiritual governs the natural because God is spirit. if you read Hebrews 8:5 TPT,  it tells us ’the priests on earth serve in a temple that is but a copy modelled after the heavenly sanctuary; a shadow of the reality’

In a less perfect way, the physical Church, Monarchy and Government of this nation are only a shadow or a vague form of the real thing, even though historically in many ways they were modelled on Biblical principles and kept in place by ongoing prayers, vows and covenants. The true government and monarchy is the Body of Christ. We are the Bride of Christ – and the Royal Priesthood. We are the true royalty on the earth.

A few years ago, we declared  ‘God is changing the face of His church’. He is raising a people who are the ‘Ecclesia’ – which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 16:18 – this legislative assembly.  It is also a people who know their true identity in Christ and part of that, is the revelation that we are His children, sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Glory – a  Royal Priesthood.  I believe God is preparing these same three structures, Church, Royalty and Government to stand strong in the days ahead – but these are not the earthly forms, but His glorious Body.  As we step into our God given identity, walking in humility, we will become the ones who will keep this nation strong and secure in the days ahead.

When we step into our God given position, functioning as those three pillars in the invisible realm, then I believe we will also see restoration of those pillars in the earthly realm.

For us all to find our place, many are walking through wilderness experiences, hence this short declaration.  Be blessed

Lord we thank You for the transformational power of the wilderness to shape, to train and to anoint – We acknowledge You have been dealing with our minds, our motivations  and our hearts, but now You are calling Your people to experience and walk in a fresh revelation of Your Majesty, Power and Covenant Love.

We declare in these days ‘living water’ will flow from the hearts of Your people dug in the deep places of that walk with YouWe declare You are birthing a people who understand their identity in You, who will stand in their authority in the spiritual realm, moving out,  anointed by the Spirit, to do the works You have called us to do.   

Suzanne Ferrett.
