
We declare, this is a nation marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose, and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness.

Lord, we come into agreement with Your word, that all authorities are put in place by You. We lift Theresa May to You now; we thank You for her willingness to serve the nation at this time and we ask You to surround her with favour as with a shield, we release Your strength to her in the Name of Jesus.

Now as she continues to lead us forward, we pray for her as she carries the heaviest responsibility; we speak Your mantle of wisdom, authority and stature upon her, that she will be wise in decision making, discerning Your will and Your purpose in all decisions and negotiations. We declare Godly advisors will surround her, and Your wisdom will both guide her and guard her from every strategy of the enemy. Proverbs 4: 6; Psalm 5:12

Lord, in the light of Proverbs 6:2, “you are snared by the words of your mouth, you are taken by the words of your mouth,” we stand on behalf of our nation and we continue to repent of every wrong word, thought, deed, agreement and covenant that has been made on behalf of our nation that blocks or reverts Your sovereign destiny for the UK and Europe.

Lord, we appeal to Your mercy, that any judgment against us will be reversed as we cry out for Your will to be done. We thank you that mercy triumphs over judgment, so we speak your blessing over our nation.

In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare this nation will have leaders who carry and impart God given vision, and we speak unity into the cabinet, and both houses within Parliament,  to follow Your purpose and plan.

We declare over all negotiations and stumbling blocks, nothing is impossible to You and we speak “grace, grace and more grace” to every seeming impossibility, in Jesus Name. Zechariah 4:7

NB. this would be a good day to remember to pray for your own MP


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