“This grace was given in Christ before the beginning of time…but it has now been revealed.” 2 Timothy 1:9
We declare over Parliament, God is the Master Planner of heaven and earth. His plans are for good and not evil, greater than every plan of man or of the enemy to bring confusion, division or hopelessness.
We come into agreement with His word, He is “The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.” Over all matters concerning Brexit under discussion; the potential UK-EU Customs partnership; the issues of the Irish Border and all matters relating to trade; We stand as the Ekklesia church and in the Name of Jesus we call forth the strategies of heaven. We declare they will be seen, heard, endorsed and enacted by those called to negotiating at this time. Romans 4:17
We declare over the House of Lords, God is the highest authority in heaven and earth. We decree shift and change, that both Houses will work in unity, and the democratic will of the people legislated in accordance with Heaven. We decree any aspect of the Bill or any attempted amendments that would harm Your plans for the UK will be turned around for good, in the Name of Jesus.