We come into agreement with Your word in Matthew 17: 20
“you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you”. (Also: Zechariah 4:7)
We declare You desire that this nation will display Your Kingdom and Your Kingship, moving in agreement with both Your spirit and Your statutes.
We declare God is the Master Planner of heaven and earth. His plans are for good and not evil, greater than every plan of man or of the enemy to bring confusion, division or hopelessness.
At this critical time in the final Brexit negotiations, we come into agreement with His word in Romans 4:17: He is “The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.” Over all matters concerning Brexit under discussion; the potential UK-EU Customs partnership; the issues of the Irish Border and all matters relating to trade we stand as the Ekklesia church and in the Name of Jesus we call forth the strategies of heaven.
We declare over all negotiations and stumbling blocks, nothing is impossible to You and we speak “grace, grace and more grace” to every seeming impossibility, in Jesus Name. Zechariah 4:7
We speak Your clarity into the atmosphere of confusion between Europe and UK over the hindrances, diversions and weariness and we declare “the purposes of God will be fulfilled.”