
We come into agreement with God’s word in Matthew 17: 20 “you can say to this mountain,move from here to there’, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you”.

In this season when God is reshaping nations, we decree Righteousness, Justice, Mercy and  Truth – moral and spiritual – will be the foundations upon which this nation will be built. We stand as the Ecclesia in this land, and we speak convergence and completion into all Brexit negotiations, that the next season for this nation will be birthed according to every blueprint and timing held in Heaven, in Jesus Name.

At this critical time in the final negotiations, we come into agreement with His word in Romans 4:17: He is “The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.” 

Over all matters concerning the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement under discussion; trade, fisheries, food exports, the environment, finance and labour laws, we stand as the Ekklesia church and in the Name of Jesus we call forth the strategies of heaven. We declare over all negotiations and stumbling blocks, including the Internal Market Bill, nothing is impossible to Him and we speak “grace, grace and more grace”, in Jesus Name. We speak clarity into the atmosphere of disputes between Europe and the United Kingdom over any hindrances, disagreements, and weariness and we declare completion that “the purposes of God will be fulfilled.” Zechariah 4:7.

Now Lord, we cry out that no bitter root will remain to hinder relationships in the years ahead but rather the seeds of reconciliation will be planted which will bring forth a harvest of righteousness.

Suzanne Ferrett


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