
We declare You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end – You rule over the nations in Love and in Truth.  Revelation 22:13

In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare a finishing anointing is being released upon all the Brexit negotiations taking place. We decree that every aspect of the completed Agreement will be accurately and precisely according to the blueprints of Heaven, and we declare the Kingdom call upon this nation will overwhelm every work of the enemy to undermine or bring compromise to that blueprint. We speak the release of supernatural words of wisdom into all areas of difficulty and conflict, and we declare every blockage of man will be broken and every blockage of Heaven to fulfil God’s purposes remain.

Now Lord, as you tell us to pray for our leaders, we lift Boris Johnson to You and we speak divine health, strength and wisdom into the core of his being. Lord, we thank You for the sense of destiny You have written within him, and we ask that Your Spirit will stir the dreams, the purpose and the courage.  We specifically ask that in this time of enormous pressure, the sound of Your voice will be amplified within him, rising above the sound of the many voices, and that he will walk in increasing humility before You. We declare that in this day he will know what is urgent and what is not non-urgent, and what is significant and what is not significant – enabling him to prioritise according to Your will and Your priority. We cry out that Your mantle of wisdom will rest upon him.

What we pray for our Prime Minister, we also pray for our MP’s, advisors and all those involved in negotiations.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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