Brexit Governance

Brexit Governance

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Miscellaneous

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; …and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand” Genesis 39: 2,3 We decree and declare a finishing anointing upon all the endgame Brexit negotiations taking place – that as a nation we will end this process according to the plans, blueprints and timings written in Heaven. We continue to declare the Lordship and Sovereign will of God over the future relationship with the European Union, that God’s plans for this nation, in all their fullness will be established. Revelation 1:8 Now in the Name of Jesus, we call the United Kingdom into a place of readiness for Brexit on 31st December, we declare the God given gift of governance will arise in great measure across this land, preparing, transforming and structuring. We declare every uncertainty and difficulty in a possible “No Deal “ Brexit, will be identified and settled, and we speak peace to the nation as we cross over into our next season. We call forth the Josephs skilled in the area of logistics and the Daniels anointed with wisdom to lead and advise business through this time. We speak peace to the storm of fear and panic and declare paperwork will be completed and all preparations necessary for trade and the movement of goods and services in January finished. We decree the free flow of vehicles through the ports that everyone from tourists, to the leaders of businesses trading with the EU, will quickly adapt to the new rules and regulations, and documentation be efficiently and speedily processed. We speak hope and fresh strategy to UK businesses to prosper in the new season and we call EU traders into a place of preparedness that shortages of food, medicines and other essential items will be minimised. Suzanne Ferrett


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