Brexit – Security

Brexit – Security

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Brexit

“No longer will they call your land Desolate, but you will be called Hephzibah (my delight is in her) and Your land Beulah (married)” Isaiah 62: 4

We come into agreement with Your Word that “love always protects,” and we thank You for every European and International treaty and agreement, for the strategic goals, budgets allocated and information-sharing capacities protecting the nations of Europe.

As Your Ekklesia, we declare over all negotiations on these issues of the security and safety of nations, “of the increase of His Government and Peace (prosperity, safety, wellbeing) there will be no end.” We decree and declare Your purpose and Your plan will overwhelm any plan of man or the enemy, any personal agenda or political manoeuvring, in the Name of Jesus.

We speak Your divine revelation to all those involved in decision making concerning Border Security, Internet Security, Antiterrorism, Military Capability and long-term funding and strategy.

We decree and declare in this nation, all associated research and development programmes, businesses, industry and manufacturing will be resilient through change, and we speak protection over them in the Name of Jesus.

Now we stand in Your grace, and we declare a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of all minsters involved in negotiations with Your heart, both from the United Kingdom and European Union, that Your plans for the future security of the nations will be established.

NB To listen to part 3 of the History and Vision of Passion for the Nation which will be broadcast on Monday 19th February at 7:30 pm, please go click here .   You can join by clicking the link below and then press the blue  ‘+ Join the Group’  button.  Once you have joined, on Monday evening go to the group page on Facebook and the live feed will appear as soon as the broadcast begins.


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