Hi everyone, thank you to those who have emailed me about praying for the nation; prayer will turn this situation in the country around, so please can I encourage you to take an hour slot, or add your prayer group time to the list – the online calendar is now available. We have already seen a great response, but there is still plenty of room.
Every blessing Suzanne
Please note the individuals cells on the calendar go grey when they are full. If the cells look empty, it means there is still room to take that hour.
Raising a Canopy of 24/7 Prayer and Worship over the Nation
In this day of enormous challenge caused by the COVID-19 virus, we would like to invite you to be part of a day and night prayer canopy of Prayer and Worship over Britain. Our aim is to have this in place quickly and maintain it up to Passover (8-14th April) and possibly beyond.
So many individuals and groups are praying which is wonderful. We feel this is a key time to have the nation covered in prayer and worship. Coordinated prayer means we have a complete, corporate and united response in prayer.
There are two main ways you can participate.:-
Firstly, you can sign up to cover an hour ( or more) of the day yourself or with family/friends to pray for our Nation on the website .
You could also take a slot with your prayer group, or form one for this purpose, on-line using one of a number of platforms including Skype (free) or Zoom (Free for 45 mins sessions) and pray together virtually.
Secondly if you are part of a House of Prayer, worship group, prayer group or local Church you can join that way.
There is a true story from the first world war, when in one village, they prayed every morning for the men who had gone to the front. That village lost no-one during the conflict – that is the power of prayer. We believe as we raise a shield of prayer and worship over the nation we will see our nation rightly aligned under God.
Please choose and sign up for the same time/hours for each of the next three weeks. Please respond quickly if you would like to be involved as we would like to get it in place asap.
We are working with other ministries under the umbrella of the National Day of Prayer.
Suzanne Ferrett