
We come into agreement with Your word in Zechariah 8: 5,NLT  ‘and the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls at play,’ we decree and declare in this nation streets will be safe, communities secure and the lives of individuals unhindered by fear or violence.

We declare children are a gift from God, so in the Name of Jesus, we agree the children of our nation will be kept safe from every assault of the enemy.  We agree they will be loved, enjoyed, and protected, that everything God has put within them, of fun, of laughter, of imagination and gift will be released and encouraged.

We decree and declare, a new generation of children and young people are arising who will encounter Jesus, be impacted by His radical love and run with radical obedience to God’s Spirit. We declare they will stand in the places of significance, impact society and carry the power to preach and to heal. We decree and declare that this is a chosen generation who will pioneer new territory for the Kingdom in all aspects of our society.

We declare God is re-setting friendships and God is re-setting relationships – that from children’s friendships to the generational mentors, every relationship of our young people will position them for increase in their walk with God.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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