
Matthew 6:33

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

We decree and declare the revelation of the Kingdom of God will increasingly come upon Your people.  We thank You for everything that has been done in the past in Your name. We thank you for the faithfulness of individuals, leaders and churches who have served You. We thank you for those who have pioneered new moves of Your Spirit;  but now, we declare this is a new day, and we release new ways of thinking, new wineskins and the power of the Kingdom into people lives.

We declare miraculous turn arounds, miraculous healings, we declare shifts into Your purposes, we declare the Church will arise in all her Glory. We declare fresh faith and fresh vision will arise upon Your people. In the name of Jesus, we declare that which is of the old will be replaced and renewed by the new things Your Spirit will birth in this season.

First Posted 01/04/16; 04/04/16


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