“For this is how much God loved the world – He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life”.
John 3:16 (Passion translation)
Father, we thank You for the power of the Easter message to bring hope, life and salvation.
We thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus and the eternal love of the Father, and we decree a turning, that in this nation the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus will be respected, honoured and loved by people of all communities.
In the Name of Jesus, we speak over this land and we declare, “You aregracious and compassionate… abounding in love” (Psalm 103:8.) We cry out for a fresh revelation of the depth of Your love to come upon Your people, restoring first love and healing every wound. In the Name of Jesus, we speak resurrection life into every God given dream, vision and ministry that this message of love will go forth to our nation.
We decree in this day of change and uncertainty, the “Name of Jesus will belifted up, that all people will be drawn to Him.” John 12: 32
We speak protection over places of worship in this nation and the nations, in Jesus Name.
NB. The next declaration will be sent out on Tuesday 18thApril.