
“ open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter” Psalm 118: 19

Lord we decree and declare Your people will recognise the power of a new season, and Your desire to bless within it. We declare across this land Your people will cross over into all Your Spirit is doing in this day, taking hold of the new, shifting into current purpose and re-engaging in the battle.

We declare a new spirit of thanksgiving, joy and praise will arise as unity of heart, vision and purpose expands Your Kingdom within and through our nation. Deuteronomy 28:25

We come into agreement with Your word in 1 Chronicles 16:12, that Your people will “remember the marvellous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.”  We declare the sound of thanksgiving will be heard amongst Your people, overwhelming every deception, work and veil of the enemy, that hearts will be healed, attitudes changed, and atmospheres shifted. Now, in the Name of Jesus, as fresh faith arises, we decree a new generation of visionaries will be released, stepping out, taking risks, moving in the miraculous, unhindered by ethnicity, circumstances or age group, in obedience to Your Spirit.

Now, concerning Government: we continue to stand in Your grace and declare a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders across this land with Your will, that Your plans for the future of this nation, in all their fullness will be established. We speak Your wisdom over all appointments, negotiations, legislation and partnerships in the Name of Jesus.


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