“Good leadership is built on love and truth, for kindness and integrity are what keep leaders in their position of trust. We admire the young for their strength and beauty but the dignity of the old is their wisdom” Proverbs 20: 20,21 Passion Translation
Jesus, we thank You for everything that has been done in the past in Your Name, for those who have pioneered new moves of Your Spirit and for the faithfulness of individuals, leaders and churches who have served You.
Now, we decree and declare Your church will rise to both the challenge and the opportunity of this day, that Your grace and Your kindness will bring fresh life and fresh hope to the world around us. We declare those appointed by You to lead in this season will be positioned, irrespective of age, ethnicity or gender, that Your people will be increasingly equipped in heart and understanding, releasing salvations, healings and miracles as Your Spirit moves across our land. We call forth new ministries, we call forth team ministries and we call forth the 5-fold ministers in the Name of Jesus.
Now, we stand as Your Ekklesia and we declare across Parliament, across the marketplace and across communities, the God given wisdom of those who have gone before, will be desired and connected to the energy and vision of this generation, that this nation will move into the future according to Your plans and Your purposes, in the Name of Jesus.