We declare according to Your word in Mark 6: 31 “Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest,” this holiday season will be a season of rest, recuperation and restoration for individuals, couples and families. For those who are unable to take time, we release a supernatural season of rest and refreshment, in the Name of Jesus.
We declare over Your people, this is a revelation season, and we cry out for the release of dreams and visions, prophetic words, scriptures, and keys to open the doors for the next season, that as people relax, or attend summer camps and conferences, they will hear Your voice with great clarity.
From the young to the old, we declare God given shifts and changes will take place. We declare Your people will be freshly aligned, equipped and empowered for the season ahead and Your Presence will rest upon them in great measure.
Brexit – The Single European Act (1986)
“ the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance” Psalm 16:6
We declare this is the time for all the peoples of Europe, irrespective of nationality, to experience the fullness of God’s purpose, plans and blessing and we declare we trust in His understanding of every issue of resource and protection involved.
“He has made …every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the pre-appointed times and boundaries of their dwellings” Acts 17: 26
We cry out for forgiveness over every treaty, convention, covenant, protocol, charter or agreement made on behalf of the United Kingdom, against Your purpose and plan.
We specifically lift to you The Single European Act (1986) signed by the United Kingdom guaranteeing the four freedoms; the free movement of goods, capital, services and labour, and all associated Treaties, Policies and Commissions.
We decree and declare over every aspect of industry; services; trade; finance and people, the boundaries and borders of our nation will be marked out, negotiated, and established according to your Kingdom design.
Researched by Dave Chapman.