
“we are the clay, You are the potter, we are all the work of Your hand” Isaiah64:8
We thank You for all the potential of this season, and we praise that You have prepared Your people to carry Your glory in great measure in the days ahead.
Now, even as ‘Your kindness leads to repentance [that is to change Your inner self, Your old way of thinking – to seek His purpose for your life], we release a fresh revelation of Your goodness and kindness to Your people, to heal and to restore. We come into agreement with Your word ‘the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power ‘and we put behind us every failure and disappointment; all fear and passivity, and we declare a new mantle of boldness will come upon Your church. (Romans 2:4; 1 Peter 2:3; 1 Corinthians 4:20)
In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare, Your people in this nation will move from self-dependence to God-dependence, leaving behind the experiences of the past to take hold of the future.
We declare as they move out, demonstrating the heart and compassion of the King and the power of Your Kingdom, there will be great increase in salvations, signs, wonders and miracles, in Jesus Name.
Brexit; Over every negotiation taking place within Parliament at this time, we declare the boundaries, borders and sovereignty of this nation, judicial, legislative, physical, spiritual, political and economic will be marked out, established and concluded according to God given purpose and timing, and we continue to speak strength to Theresa May and to all those involved in negotiating.

A Date for Your Diary:

Our next seminar: “The Nation’s Future – A Kingdom Opportunity” will be held at City Church; St Albans. 2nd February 2019 , 10.00 until 2pm more information to follow


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