
The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”   John 10:10

In this season, we declare the abundant life of Jesus will overwhelm and transform every place of weariness, dryness and dead religion. We prophesy an outpouring of the freshness of Your Spirit across this land. We declare Your people will grasp the significance of the hour, the power of His love, His gospel, and His purpose within their lives, rising spiritually mature, equipped and empowered in heart, mind and Spirit.

We decree and declare Your church will rise to both the challenge and the opportunity of this day, that Your grace and Your kindness will bring fresh life and fresh hope to the world around us. We declare those appointed by You to lead in this season will be positioned, irrespective of age, ethnicity or gender, that Your people will be increasingly equipped in heart and understanding, releasing salvations, healings and miracles as Your Spirit moves across our land.  We call forth new team ministries and we call forth the 5-fold ministers in the Name of Jesus.

We declare God’s gift and call will never be withdrawn, and we speak the revelation of Your grace, favour and blessing to reposition Your people at this time, that the past will not limit the future and Your people will reach forward to every God given opportunity which lies ahead.  (First Posted July 2016)

Now Lord, we declare Your ways are higher than our ways, so across the UK Parliament as old alignments of power, of greed and of political spirits shift & change, and new partnerships and new alignments form, we decree and declare justice, righteousness and Kingdom plan will rise above every personal preference, political gain and every other agenda, that the government of the Kingdom of God will be established over and above every other rule and dominion.


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