
Well, the summer is here again and I am very aware of several aspects of what it will look like for God’s people.  It is a time to relax and to enjoy those we have not seen for so long, but so much more. I will be taking a break and therefore through August, we will be sending out some of the original declarations as we continue to guard the atmosphere over the nation, and I will only write new ones if I feel strongly to do so. Be blessed and thank you again to all those who pray, encourage and build others.

We declare according to Your word in Mark 6: 31 “Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest,” this holiday season will be a season of rest, recuperation and restoration for individuals, couples and families, and for those who are unable to take time off, we release a supernatural season of rest and refreshment, in the Name of Jesus.

In that place of rest and relaxation, we call Your people into Your Presence, to hear Your voice and to know Your ways, that even as Moses encountered You in the wilderness, this will be a season of fresh encounters, restoration and breakthroughs. We declare God’s Spirit is brooding over this nation, that His people will forget what has gone before pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus. He is calling forth those who will lead in the days ahead, not because of title or position but because of the depth, authenticity and obedience of their walk with You.

We agree as the Holy Spirit moves across His people in this day, we will change individually and we will change corporately, that we will emerge from this season,  carrying His Heartbeat and His Presence, cleansed by the fire of God’s Spirit, pure in heart, spirit and soul, no longer walking as children but as the mature sons of God. We declare as that reverential awe of the Lord arises, a true humility, oneness and authority is being released to His people.

Now, as when Moses’ arms were lifted up Your purposes prevailed, in the Name of Jesus, we speak strength to Your people, that Your love, hope and vision will sustain and motivate them. We continue to declare, that this is the day for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness, where God’s Presence will dwell, transforming atmospheres, communities, spheres and individual lives.  Exodus 17:12

Suzanne Ferrett.


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