
We declare, this is a nation marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose, and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness – and we acknowledge Your instructions to live according to Your laws and demonstrate Your principles to the nations.

We come into agreement with the word Jesus spoke that “any Kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.” We decree and declare in this nation, every wall of division will be removed, barriers of ethnicity, religion and culture will fall, that communities will be both integrated and safe.

We call every people group within our towns and cities into agreement with Your word that “the stranger living among you must be treated as one of your native born” and we speak Godly wisdom into Government agencies, local and national, community groups and religious organisations seeking to bring respect and safety into society. Leviticus 19:34

Even as Your Spirit moves in this nation, we decree and declare, the Spirit of reconciliation, peace and self-control, will become prevalent and desired in our streets, overwhelming every spirit of prejudice, anger, hatred, and revenge; and we declare that grace and truth came through Jesus Christ and we speak the revelation of Jesus into the lives of individuals, families, communities and all cultures in our land. (Proverbs 22:22; 24:29)


News: we will be travelling for the next two weeks, so thank you to Christine who will be covering the Declarations.

Dates for Your Diary:

The Nation’s Future – A Kingdom Opportunity  This Saturday, 13th October;  The Elim Church;  Princes Risborough; 10.30am – 4pm

Also at:  Wembley Christian Centre; 24th November 2018


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