God spoke to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 1:12 ‘because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honour or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked for long life – but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I made you king…’
We agree in this nation, all those positioned in the Cabinet will recognise and desire God’s wisdom and knowledge, surrounding themselves only with those who speak truth. In the Name of Jesus, we pray for the new Ministers, Civil servants and associated advisors, and we declare they will work as a team with humility and mutual respect, that this cabinet will be marked out by a new level of cohesion. We declare in this season of boundaries and borders, those in the cabinet will know and understand the boundaries God has placed around them, that they will diligently work according to their God given responsibilities and portfolios, concerning Trade, the Economy, the NHS, Education and many more, and that Kingdom purpose and values will overcome every other value.
We decree and declare the Lordship and Sovereign will of God over every policy, treaty and concession concerning issues of immigration and the Free Movement of people.
We come into agreement with His Word in Psalm 16:6 “the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places” and we declare individuals and families God desires to live in the United Kingdom will be located, accepted and blessed according to His wisdom and plan.
Now Lord, we speak Psalm 104:9 over every issue concerning flooding and the coronavirus, ‘God has set a boundary that they may not pass over’ and we stand as God’s people in this nation, and we declare the floods and this virus will not spread with free reign within this land, and we speak a containment around them, in the Name of Jesus. We speak wisdom to those involved in the Department of the Environment, Department of Health and NHS in every aspect of their responses.
Suzanne Ferrett.