Lord we declare over our nation, over our streets and over the church “Nothing is impossible to You”.
According to Your word in Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain “Move from here to there” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you”, we decree and declare a season of the impossible becoming possible in our nation by the work of Your grace.
We declare miraculous turn arounds, miraculous healings, we declare shifts into Your purposes, we declare the Church will arise in all her Glory. We declare fresh faith and fresh vision will arise upon Your people. In the name of Jesus, we declare that which is of the old will be replaced and renewed by the new things Your Spirit will birth in this season.
In the Name of Jesus, we speak life to those new dreams, ideas and plans; we speak life to every dead or dormant dream that You want to reawaken and we release joy to those who are weary. We declare the joy of the Lord is our strength.