Declarations to Shape a Nation – Church

Declarations to Shape a Nation – Church

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Miscellaneous

Declarations to Shape a Nation – Church


It is now over three years since we started sending out declarations, and normally at this time of year we ease off for the holiday period. We all need time to recharge and to be refreshed, but we also felt this year we needed to keep the flow of prayer going. It is about 12 weeks until October 31st, so we will be returning to our theme of ‘shaping the nation’, and running a series of much shorter declarations through the summer season. Be very blessed, Suzanne


Then may the awakening breath blow upon my life until I am fully yours. Breathe upon me with Your Spirit wind’. Song of Songs TPT

We declare as the winds of God’s Spirit blow across this land, the fullness of the revival and awakening He desire for this nation will be released.  We speak healing into the regrets, the failures and the wounds of the past, and we decree and declare in the Name of Jesus, God’s people will move from the place of preparation into the place of activation, that their love for Him and their hunger for Him will cause every barrier to be removed as His people press through to know Him more. Even as humility precedes promotion, we declare they will fix their “eyes upon Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”, that His resurrection power, will cause trust, faith and fresh vision to arise. We thank Him that in this day the armies of Heaven are being released  to aid His people.


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