I want to thank everyone participating in this series of Twelve Days of Declarations over our nation. I recognise for some they may seem a little overwhelming, but I can assure you this quantity is only for a season, as we continue to press in! Thank you so much and be very blessed.
Justice 2
“Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Or can a nation be brought forth in a moment? Isaiah 66:8
We thank You Lord for every aspect of Godly inheritance that You put within our land. We thank You for Kingdom foundations within our government, justice systems and many aspects of our society. We praise and thank You for the freedoms which, based on Your word, have also been our inheritance, encompassed in our laws and impacted the world. In this season of the impossible becoming possible, we declare that which we have seen in the past season of Kingdom influence in this nation is only a shadow of what You desire for our future.
Even as God is birthing a nation at this time, we come into His Presence and we repent of every law and interpretation of the law that has resulted in the destruction of the life of unborn children. We appeal to Him, that any judgment against us will be reversed as we cry out for His mercy. We decree and declare according to His word, the revelation that life is created by Him, and that life begins in the womb, will become evident, accepted and voiced by society. (Psalm 133:13; Luke 1:44)
As Your Ecclesia in this nation, we decree and declare the laws of this land will come into alignment with Your laws and statutes, and the fullness of Your word. We decree a turning of every ungodly precedent set specifically over the sanctity of human life, that this nation will be positioned for blessing in the days ahead.
We decree this nation will live by the Truth and in the light of the Truth, and in the Name of Jesus, that the power of the gospel and the revelation of Jesus Christ, will again become the building blocks upon which society leans.
Now, as Your Ekkesia in this land, we speak ‘grace, grace and more grace’ to every seeming impossibility concerning the Brexit process, over all negotiations and stumbling blocks, and we decree and declare as Your people arise to praise and to worship, a fresh momentum of Your Spirit will be released, overcoming every other spirit, reigniting hope, releasing revelation and overcoming every hindrance.” (19th March 2018)