Declarations to Shape a Nation – Nations

Declarations to Shape a Nation – Nations

by | Aug 12, 2019 | Nations

“Look among the nations and watch – be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your day which you would not believe, though it were told you” Habakkuk 1:5

We declare God is establishing new networks across the nations, networks of Governments, networks of trade, and networks of individuals, connected to carry Kingdom purpose for this season ahead.

We declare God is the Alpha and Omega who rules over the nations in love, wisdom and truth, He is the potter and we put our trust in Him.

Now, we stand as His Ekklesia irrespective of personal choice, and we declare in this day, His purpose, His wisdom and His values will mark out and build a fresh design, that the United Kingdom will be shaped, positioned and connected for His destiny.

Now, we thank You for our Godly heritage and declare it will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose for this nation, in Jesus Name. We decree and declare in this season, the United Kingdom will step into God given identity, purpose and calling. (First posted November 2016)


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