Declarations to Shape a Nation – the Fullness.

Declarations to Shape a Nation – the Fullness.

by | Jan 7, 2019 | Government

Declarations to Shape a Nation – the Fullness. – January 6th 2019
Welcome to everyone who is joining us as we continue to press through for our Nation at this time. We begin this year with an update to “Preparing the Way,” Day 1 of Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation. (available on our Website)
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
Lord, we praise You for the power of Your love, and the power of Your grace upon our lives and we choose to worship, to praise and to look upon Your Face. We declare the song of the victory of Jesus will rise above this nation, changing atmospheres and touching lives, that in this birthing season, the sound of worship will be heard over every success, challenge and failure, national and personal. We declare as the Children of God put their eyes upon Jesus, they will be lifted above every situation and circumstance, that new joy, and new strength will release a new momentum. (First Posted October 2018)
We decree Your people in this nation will come into agreement with Your word, “to seek first the Kingdom of God” both in prayer and in lifestyle, arising as kings, priests and worshipping warriors. We declare we will come before the courts and throne of Heaven to intercede for this land, that we will receive strategies to cut through and we will take hold of Your Rhema word, which is the sword of the Spirit, to decree and declare Your purposes.
We declare Your people in this nation will be teachable in heart, quick to learn, and ruthless with regard to sin, that Your Ecclesia will arise in this land, carrying Your Glory, ruling and reigning as You desire. We declare the Headship of Jesus will be established over His people, that we will represent a new level of authenticity in the natural realm and exercise a new level of authority in the spiritual realm. Proverbs 16:32
Now Lord, even as You are establishing Your Kingdom to overwhelm and overcome every opposing Kingdom, we decree and declare, in this nation, Natural Government and Sovereignty, judicial and legislative will come into God given order, and will acknowledge Jesus as the true Judge, Lawgiver and King. We thank You for our Godly heritage and declare it will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose for this nation.
Now, we stand as Your Ekklesia, and we decree and declare over every change of policy, discussion, choice and vote, the United Kingdom will step into God given identity, purpose and calling, in Jesus Name. (Preparing the Way – Day 1)


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