We speak health instead of sickness, hope instead of fear, prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days many will turn to Jesus.
‘blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream, it does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.’ Jeremiah 17: 7,8
We stand today, and we declare over this nation, according to Psalm 144:15, “How blessed and favoured (fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God) are the people whose God is the Lord”, blessing comes from Jesus Christ, and we choose to put our trust in Him.
According to Your word in Psalm 65:11 “You crown the year with Your goodness and Your paths drip with abundance” Lord, even as You are leading Your people in new ways, we declare they will rightly discern Your paths at this time, releasing, connecting and positioning them to move into the fullness of Your goodness and purpose.
We declare You do not desire Your people should live in debt. (Proverbs 22:7), so in the Name of Jesus, we confess and repent where failure, withholding, wrong priorities and a poor understanding of Your truth, have brought Your people into financial and spiritual lack.
We thank You, that as God’s people put their trust in You, they will have a fresh revelation of the power of Your forgiveness and provision, releasing creative ideas, Godly wisdom and solutions. We declare in this day, Your people will be free to move according to Your Spirit and plan, as debts, limitations and captivity are broken.
We decree and declare Your people in this land, will move in a new level of generosity, overwhelming and breaking every spirit of poverty of the past season, changing atmospheres and releasing Your goodness upon the land.
Now Lord, even as the queen of Sheba bought 120 talents of gold to King Solomon, we decree and declare in these days, according to Isaiah 60: 6, ‘all those from Sheba shall come; they shall bring gold and incense, and they shall proclaim the praises of the Lord.’
Lastly, over the elections in Malta, this Saturday 26th March, we declare ‘God’s Righteous New Government will be established in Malta; that every change will move this Parliament closer to God’s purposes and will, and each seat of influence will be filled with those chosen and appointed by Him for this season’
Suzanne Ferrett.