“For this is how much God loved the world – He gave His one and only, His unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life”. John 3:16 (Passion translation)
As the season turns, we declare the sound of the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus will be released across our families, communities and our land, that the truths of the sacrifice of Jesus and the love of the Father, will be reaffirmed and rediscovered in this day. We declare the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ will be spoken in homes and across media, and we declare this will be a season of salvations, recommitments, healings and miracles as people turn to their God and another step in the season of revival which is coming to our land.
Lord, we thank You for the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus and we agree your message of hope, love and salvation will go forth with clarity and creativity at this time, touching and communicating with all those who are spiritually open and hungry from every age group and community. In the Name of Jesus, we call out the inheritance of Your gospel, sown into the lives of individuals in previous years and we agree it will bring forth fruit. We agree that as Your Spirit moves many who received Your truth even as children will turn back to You.
In the Name of Jesus, we speak over this land and we declare, “You are gracious and compassionate… abounding in love” (Psalm 103:8.) We agree for a fresh revelation of the depth of God’s love to come upon His people, restoring first love and healing every wound. In the Name of Jesus, we speak resurrection life into every God given dream, vision and ministry called for this day, that this message of Your love will go forth to our nation.
We decree in this day of change the “Name of Jesus will be lifted up, that all people will be drawn to Him.” And we call forth salvations, we call forth Jesus centred conversations and we call forth prophetic encounters.
We declare our nation will grasp and not miss the day of His visitation. John 12: 32
Suzanne Ferrett.