“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness”
Matthew 6:33
In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare that in this day Your people across this land will rise up into the fullness of who You have made them to be. We declare the ecclesia will arise and the reformers will take their places in every arena of this land.
We declare, in the Name of Jesus, this new Parliament will align with Your Kingdom purpose, that Righteousness, Justice, Truth, Mercy and Moral Law will be restored and the nation move according to Your plan. We commit every decision and every negotiation concerning partners, positions and plans to You, and we declare Theresa May will be surrounded by those who carry wise counsel and God given strategies.
Even as a fresh wind of Your Spirit is blowing, we declare this Parliament will demonstrate the Kingdom values of honour, righteousness & integrity, that a new level of statesmanship will arise, transforming personal and political agendas, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision.
We cry out for encounters with Jesus through all political circles, that they will recognise their humanity and acknowledge Your sovereignty, in Jesus Name. (Adapted from post 10th June)
It was in January 2016, prior to the announcement over the EU referendum that God spoke to me about the “void” (or vacuum) of Government which would occur. (see p5 of Declarations to Change Nation) Since then we have seen a number of shifts and changes, but this present situation certainly fits that word. When there is a void, something will fill it. This is the opportunity for the church, to step into all God has spoken about, that the Kingdom will be built.