
“ Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Your Kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness.” Psalm 45:6-7

In this Reformation week, we continue to speak a revolution of righteousness into our Government and into our nation. We declare, that which was impossible is now possible by the power of Your Spirit.

Lord, we declare Your Spirit is moving in our land, shining Your light into dark places, and we thank You that what is being revealed is not an expansion of evil but a revealing of evil. Lord, even as You have called this nation to display Your righteousness, we declare that which Your Spirit desires to reveal will be revealed, that every work of the enemy to keep institutional actions hidden will be exposed, and true justice executed. We release the love of God to those damaged through their experiences and we decree, shame will be lifted and lives restored.

Now we decree over Parliament, over the political parties and over the media; truth, wisdom and integrity will surround every accusation and potential accusation. We come into agreement with Your word, that “justice will be the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line”, rightly dividing between truth, lies and exaggeration. We decree, Your Kingdom purpose will overwhelm every purpose of man or of the enemy to bring destruction to lives, and distraction to Parliament. Isaiah 28: 17

We speak Your strength and Your wisdom to Theresa May and all those carrying heavy responsibility at this time.


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