According to Your word in Proverbs 14:34:
We declare righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of Government, national and local; we declare honesty and integrity will become the hallmarks of financial institutions, businesses and society. We decree and declare that righteousness, honesty and integrity will again become valued in this nation and we enforce Kingdom values over every plan of the enemy to sow ungodliness and hence destruction into our land.
In the Name of Jesus, we stand in Your grace and we declare a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders with Your will, that Your plans for this nation, in all their fullness will be established. Proverbs 16:3
Now, we thank You for every prophetic word and every God given promise released from heaven, and we thank You for our Godly heritage and declare it will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose in Jesus Name. We decree and declare in this season this nation will step in to God given identity.
We declare at this strategic and pivotal time, Your divine revelation will be released to all those involved in decision making concerning Brexit, that every negotiation, shift of power and change of mandate, will be according to Your plan, and favoured by God and man.
We remind you that that Suzanne will be doing two short online seminars, speaking about the Call and Vision of Passion for the Nation. They will be on held in the evening on the 8th and the 15th of January at 7.30pm
They will be broadcast using the Passion for the Nation Facebook group and you can join the group by clicking the link below and then press the blue ‘+ Join the Group’ button. You will receive a confirmation of joining by email.
Once you have joined, on Monday evening go to the group page on Facebook and the live feed will appear as soon as the broadcast starts.