
We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, and prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus.  In the Name of Jesus, we speak the blessing of Almighty God over our nation, over the people, the land  and every aspect of Government, national and local.  

We stand as the Ecclesia in this nation, and we decree and declare this is the time for a convergence of the Government of the Kingdom of God with the Government of the United Kingdom –  that even as Parliament returns and agendas are put in place, every priority, focus, task and timetable relating to Government, including Brexit; Trade; Education, and  Health…. will take precedence and position according to the order written in Heaven.

Specifically concerning Brexit, we decree over the totality of negotiations  between Parliament and the European Union, and declare this nation will move according to God’s purpose, plan and timing.

We thank You Lord for Boris Johnson and continue to speak Your strength and health to Him. We agree wisdom, God given priority and strength of purpose will rest upon him and all those working in his team, that fresh courage and conviction will arise, the ability to make difficult choices be strengthened, and that together, they will stand with conviction upon every decision made in alignment with Heaven, changing and turning only when directed by You to do so.

Suzanne Ferrett


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