
Wisdom can make anyone into a mighty warrior. And revelation knowledge increases strength. Wise strategy is necessary to wage war”  Proverbs 24:5

We decree and declare over this nation, this is the day for the spiritual warriors to arise, those carrying heavens strategies, mature men and women, filled with wisdom and understanding whose hands have been trained for battle.  We declare they will be motivated and strengthened by the Father’s powerful love, having cast out fear, that His salvation, freedom and mercy will come to this land. Proverbs 16:32; 1 Chronicles 12:8

Now, even as Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves saying  ‘Quiet! Be still!’ so the wind died down and it was completely calm’, we speak to the storm across this nation saying ‘Peace! Be still!’

We stand as the Ecclesia in this land, and concerning the coronavirus, we decree this virus will not have free rein within this land, and we speak a containment and a limitation around it, in the Name of Jesus. We decree as God’s people arise and speak His word, every atmosphere of fear will give way to an atmosphere of faith and of hope. We come into agreement with the words of Jesus, “The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” John 10:10

We speak God’s wisdom and counsel to every person involved in the provision and allocation of coronavirus testing. We agree testing needs across our nation, irrespective of location, will be met with sufficient capacity, both of staff and of kits, and we speak increase in the Name of Jesus. We declare His pioneering anointing and revelation will continue to rest upon all medical researchers bringing great acceleration – that safe and reliable vaccines will be discovered and treatments found.

Now we declare over our government divine wisdom and insight to make Godly decisions to bring consistent strategies concerning all matters including  Covid, Brexit, and the economy of this nation.

Suzanne Ferrett.

NB Crystal Clear – a Kingdom Vision for the Nation THIS COMING WEEKEND 25th/26th September.  To see up to date information and book your free place please click on the link –



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