
As the celebrations and events of this weekend end, we come into agreement with God’s word in Isaiah 33:22:

The Lord is our judge, The Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King”

We declare this nation is called to live according to God’s laws and to demonstrate His principles to the nations. We thank Him for the institutions, traditions and rituals, from elaborate ceremonies to daily prayers, that have grounded and protected those principles and those values, and we decree and declare they will remain, strengthened and quickened by the power of His Spirit, moving with the new season and re-enforcing truth.

Lord, You bless us that we might bless others and so in the Name of Jesus, we speak blessing over the Queen’s life. We declare a strengthening and prolonging of her reign, that she might stand in health, strength and righteousness until such a time as those to follow may do so with the fear of God upon them.

Now, as individuals are prepared and roles released: we decree and declare, every title, role, headship, place of authority, responsibility, and position of influence which she currently holds, will continue to be filled in the days ahead with those of God’s choosing, men and women motivated by love and compassion who walk in righteousness, integrity, wisdom and truth.

We come into agreement with the Coronation Act of 1688, establishing the Coronation Oath, taken by the Kings and Queens of this land, that they will, ‘to the utmost of their power, maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.…’ and, with the  oath made on the occasion of her coronation by Queen Elizabeth 2nd in taking the title, ‘defender of the faith’. We cry out that this title will be ongoing, in promise and in action that the godly leadership displayed by both the Queen and her father, will be continued and multiplied in the generations to come.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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