“I will sacrifice a thank offering to You and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfil my vows to the Lord, in the presence of all his people.”
Psalm 116: 17,18
We praise You for the Christian heritage within our nation, specifically for the Vow made by the Queen at her coronation, to maintain the laws of God. We thank you for the vows of allegiance to her Majesty made by MPs, government ministers and judges, and for the prayers made even within Parliament for Your justice, wisdom and counsel.
We declare this is a season of awakening, and we cry out that men’s hearts within Parliament and the Judiciary will be stirred to understand and fulfil every Godly vow which has been made. Psalm 25:9
We thank You for those You have positioned for this time, we speak Your strength, Your wisdom and Your mantle of authority on them to bring an outworking of those vows, that the fullness of Your mercy and justice will be displayed.
We decree and declare across our judiciary every law, judgment and lifestyle will be undergirded and aligned with Your Word in the Name of Jesus.