“For You formed me in my innermost parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb … My frame was not hidden from You, when I was formed in secret, and intricately and skilfully formed in the depths of the earth”
Psalm139:13 AMP
“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, her baby leaped in her womb;” Luke1:44
Lord, we come into agreement with Your word that all life is created by You, and that life begins within the mother’s womb.
We come into Your Presence and we repent on behalf of every law and interpretation of the law that has resulted in the destruction of life of unborn children; we appeal to Your mercy, that any judgment against us will be reversed as we cry out for Your will to be done.
Now, as Your Ekklesia in this nation, we speak over Parliament, that the laws of this land will come into alignment with Your Laws & Your Statutes, and the fullness of the counsel of Your Word. We decree a turning around of every ungodly precedent set, that this nation will be positioned for blessing in the days ahead.
We thank You Lord, that You came to bring life, life in abundance and we release a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ across this land and we declare Your radical love will be increasingly released through Your people into families and communities at this time.
We thank You for every shift, change and breakthrough, in line with Your Spirit which has been released. Now we continue to declare: the scope of the Bill to trigger Article 50, including every clause and sub-clause, will be legislated in accordance with Heaven, and we decree any aspect of the Bill or any attempted amendments which would harm Your plans for the UK will be turned around for good. We decree and declare the passage of this Bill through Parliament will be according to Your appointed time, unhindered by the plans of the enemy.