‘ For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His Glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.’ Isaiah 60:
In this day of the clash of empires, we declare the love, goodness and justice of the Government of the Kingdom of God, will be established as a display of His glory upon the earth – founded on the truth, that He is the true Judge, Lawgiver and King. (Isaiah 33:22) We declare in these days God’s people will arise, clothed in His Glory, and the compassion of the Father and the message of salvation through Jesus Christ be released.
We continue to declare a new governmental authority has been released upon God’s people as the Ekklesia. That we will take our positions in Christ Jesus, in the heavenly realms, seated above every principality and power, able to stand against all ungodliness and declare God’s righteous plans into our world
As we pray Lord, for Your people in the United Kingdom, we pray for Your people in the Ukraine, in Russia and in the countries across the world: We thank You that Your love, Your word and Your covenant with us will never fail. We decree and declare a new level of love and obedience to the Word of God and the Spirit of God will come upon Your people, that our trust will be in You and in the knowledge that in You, and You alone, we are secure.
We declare Your church will rise to both the challenge and the opportunity of this day, that Your grace and Your kindness will bring fresh life, strength and hope to the world around us. We declare those appointed by You to lead Your people in this season will be positioned, marked out by Your wisdom, favour and grace upon them, that Your people will be increasingly equipped in heart and understanding, releasing salvations, healings and miracles moved by the Spirit of God.
Even as in 2 Kings 6:12 ‘Elisha the prophet who is in Israel, tells the King of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom’, we ask that supernatural knowledge and insight will be released to Your people within the Ukraine, that Your angels will lead and guide them, and people be safe in the midst of battle.
Now Lord, we agree great wisdom will rest upon all western leaders and leaders of NATO as they consider their response to the crisis, that every decision made will bring perfect alignment with God’s Kingdom purpose for the nations.
We pray specifically for Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Military personnel and all those making decisions concerning the response of the United Kingdom. We declare the Government of the United Kingdom will display God’s righteousness, justice, mercy and truth, modelling His wisdom to the nations, through every proposal, policy or action.
We declare ‘ Blessed be the name of the God forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him….He gives wisdom to the wise, and (greater)knowledge to those who have understanding.’ Daniel 2: 20-22
Suzanne Ferrett.