Local Elections

On May 2nd, the Local Elections will contest 248 English local Councils, six directly elected mayors and all 11 local councils in Northern Ireland.

“a nation succeeds and stands in victory when it has many good counsellors to guide it” Proverbs 11:14

We declare You desire our nation will not only succeed but carry Your Glory, so we decree and declare over all local elections taking place this May, the increase of life changing Godly wisdom and leadership, that Your Kingdom will be established. We decree honour, righteousness & integrity, will increase and a new level of Godly statesmanship arise, transforming personal and political agendas, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision and priorities.  Proverbs 24:3-6

According to Your word in Psalm 75:7 “It is God alone …. who decides who will rise and who will fall”, we come to You and speak Your favour onto all those You will raise up at this time, that these positions of influence and gateways of our society will be filled with those who see and speak according to Your plans and purposes and we declare following these elections. the voice of Your wisdom will be heard in increasing measure, above and beyond man’s wisdom.

Even as a fresh wind of Your Spirit is blowing, we declare Your people will stand upon their watch, to see and to pray, that the political weariness upon the land will be lifted, Your Will be done, that those and only those You have equipped, anointed and called for this season be elected. We come into agreement with Your word in Matthew 16:19 ‘and I will give You the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven’ and we take hold of those keys, and in the Name of Jesus, we shut the doors to these places of significance and power to any who would bring disruption or distortion, and we open the doors to those who will release peace and wellbeing.

Now we stand as Your Ecclesia in this nation, and in this Easter season, we speak resurrection life into every negotiation concerning Brexit that has been halted or delayed by the work of man or of the enemy. We continue to declare the Lordship and Sovereign will of God over every aspect of Brexit, over the future relationship with the European Union, over Trade Policy, the Customs Union, the Irish Border and the role of the European Court of Justice, and all those involved with negotiations, and we declare His plans for this nation, in all their fullness will be established.


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