We come into agreement with Your Word in Isaiah 28: 17, 18 “I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line, hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie…” Isaiah 28:17,18
We decree and declare in our nation, specifically over all Government communication and media reporting, the plumb line of truth and righteousness will be released from heaven, clearly separating between truth and lies, fact and fiction, integrity and exaggeration and between Kingdom values and worldly values.
We come into agreement with Amos 2:9, that You will destroy the fruit above and every hidden root beneath, that life, truth and righteousness will flourish.
We thank You Jesus for every shift and change we are seeing in our nation in agreement with Your plan and purpose. We thank You for Theresa May, the chairman of the equality commission and others, who have emphasised the principle of the freedom to speak “freely, respectfully and responsibly” about the gospel, especially in this Christmas season.