Motion & Emotion

Hi everyone, I felt God gave this word to me last Wednesday, it is very different from my usual style, so do weigh it for yourself. I hope that it blesses you. Suzanne

A season of motion and of emotion February 26th, 2020

Here begins a new chapter – a season of tumult, a season of wind and a season of war (spiritual). A season of motion and emotion.

For I am re-aligning the thoughts and hearts of man- no longer will they fear each other, the thoughts, the attitudes and the advancement of others – but a new and holy fear is being released from heaven, for they will know they cannot control the earth that I have created, any more than they can control the minds and lives of their compatriots.

As they fear for their jobs, and they fear for their homes, for their health and their bank accounts – so they will begin to feel a greater and a mightier fear.

United Kingdom, I have come to woo you, I have come to call you back – but My call will not look as you would have it look; it will not look as you have desired – for I have released the winds of change, the winds of My Spirit to blow.

BUT, See and Look – for there is a mighty army arising – not called out by man but by My Spirit. I tell you My people are arising; they are awakening, and My Body is being mobilised.

February 27th

And I saw Jesus looking at the clock, and it seemed to be near to twelve:

Do not be afraid of the lateness of the hour – for there are many things which are still to happen, many things which are still to come to pass. Focus upon Me; do not take Your eye from Me. For even as the tumult begins – so are My angelic armies being released. Cry before Me if you need, worship as Your heart desires – but do not put down what I have called you to, it is a weapon in My hand for this time and this season. Decree My purposes, decree My words – listen and hear, listen and hear.

Suzanne Ferrett.



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