‘I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: he said to me ‘You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance’ Psalm 2:7
In this day of the clash of Empires, we declare the power of the Kingdom of God to overcome every other kingdom. We declare this is the time for a turning , that according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, every high thing which exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be brought down; and every demonic presence shift or bow to the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory, who rules over the nations in love.
We decree and declare this is the time for Revival to be released, lives healed and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness.
We declare the words and thoughts of our leaders across this land will align with God’s Kingdom will and plans, we declare shift where there needs to be shift, turnaround where there needs to be a turning, and change where there needs to be change, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision.
We decree and declare in this day, alignments of power, of greed and of a Party spirit will be broken, new partnerships and new alignments form, and we declare justice, righteousness and Kingdom plan, will rise above personal preference, political gain and social unrest.
Even as You are birthing a new season for this nation, we continue to declare, in the Name of Jesus, the boundaries, borders and sovereignty of this land; judicial, legislative, physical, spiritual, political and economic, will be marked out, established and concluded according to God given Kingdom purpose and timing.