We come into agreement with Isaiah 55:11, ESV, ‘So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that for which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent,’ and we declare God’s people will stand in the full assurance that His love, His word and His covenant will never fail, and in the flow of His purposes for our nation, that Revival and Awakening will be fully released within this land..’ Isaiah 55:11
We decree and declare a spiritual watch will be increasingly established and we call the church to a new level of watching and prayer. We declare His watchmen will be positioned over the high places of our nation, over our cities, towns, streets, government buildings and all places where people gather. We decree as His people increasingly seek His face and discover their purpose, the plans of the enemy will be thwarted, His light shine into every dark place, and every plan or plot revealed and defeated. We declare those who work and plan death and destruction shall not be hidden but discovered.
Now Lord, again we thank You for the model the Queen has given, standing above political noise and personal pain, we speak healing, strength and fresh joy to her, in Jesus Name. We thank you for the years of loyal service and we ask that the legacy she leaves not only of service and of duty, but also of her knowledge and faithfulness to You will be passed on to the future generations within the Royal Family.
As roles are given and the future planned, we decree and declare every title, role, headship, place of authority, responsibility, and position of influence which the Queen currently holds, will be be filled in the days ahead with those of God’s choosing, men and women motivated by love, compassion and righteousness.
We declare the United Kingdom is marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose, and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness – that God given, Kingdom purpose will overwhelm any political, spiritual, religious or social agenda.
Suzanne Ferrett.