

by | May 27, 2016 | Referendum

“And He has made …. every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings”
Acts 17: 26

Also Numbers 34:12; Isaiah 10: 13

We thank you that You desire to bless the people of Europe, and we declare over every nation, this is the time to move into God given destiny.

We continue to speak out that Your thoughts are not our thoughts or Your ways our ways, and we submit to Your Spirit.

We decree and declare in the Name of Jesus, in the forthcoming EU referendum and beyond, the boundaries, borders and sovereignty of our nation; judicial, legislative, physical, spiritual, political and economic, will be marked out according to Your plan and purpose.

That which You would disconnect will be disconnected and that which You would connect will be connected.


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