“Train up a child in the way he should go (teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents). Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22: 6
Lord You desire all children and young people will be loved, protected and valued, trained by Your word and Your principles, and released into promise and potential. We declare in this nation, the uniqueness You have put within children will be recognised and encouraged, irrespective of background, religion or ethnicity.
We decree and declare Your truth and Your word will again become the foundation stones of every level of education in the land. In the Name of Jesus, we declare the education system will be fit for Your purpose and we decree positions in schools, colleges and universities will be filled with those who honour Your Name and Your ways.
In this season of openness, we specifically declare within our Universities, the gospel of Jesus will be spoken with relevance and the demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God. We speak the release of a new move of Your Spirit that many will turn to Jesus, experiencing the power of His transforming love and releasing God given purpose. We decree these men and women will be skilled and equipped in the natural, fired by a passionate love for Jesus and filled with Your wisdom, that they will rise as leaders within the nation and the nations.