

by | May 5, 2017 | Transformation

In this General Election season:

We thank You for every shift in perspective concerning media we are seeing at this time and we declare in this nation truth will increasingly be valued, expected and become the experience of our society.

According to Your word, in Psalm 89:14 “mercy and truth go before Your face”, so in the Name of Jesus we speak truthfulness, accuracy and clarity into all election campaigning and media coverage.

Even as You have called this nation to display Your righteousness, we decree and declare this election will be marked out by the desire for truth cancelling every plan of the enemy to bring manipulation, deception or confusion.

Above all, we cry out for the release of Your Spirit of Truth in our land, that the Name of Jesus will be lifted up.

NB:  As the nation of France goes to the polls this weekend, we speak Your protection over every aspect of the elections, physical and spiritual, that your purposes will be fulfilled and the person You have appoointed to lead the nation elected.


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