“I empower princes to rise and take dominion, and generous ones to govern the earth” Proverbs 8:16
Lord, we thank You for every plan and purpose You have for this nation in the days ahead. We thank You for the past, for the Godly inheritance within our nation, for those who have pioneered, for those who have fought for justice and for those who have preached Your word. We praise You for the Godly inheritance within the institutions of our land, within Parliament, within society and within our monarchy.
We declare this is a new day, and we speak the revelation of the love of Jesus into the lives of Prince William, Prince Harry and all the young members of the Royal Family. We call forth the fulfilment of every true prophetic word concerning their lives.
Even as Prince William returns from the Middle East, and meditates upon what He has seen and heard, we declare He will be surrounded by those who speak Your word and carry Your heart. We declare as He formulates his thoughts, beliefs and favoured connections concerning international matters, You will align Him with Your plan for His life.
Lord we declare You are raising a new generation of leaders, who will encounter Jesus, be impacted by His radical love and run with radical obedience to Your Spirit. We decree the new generation of leaders arising throughout this nation, will be those appointed and chosen by You, that they will move with revelation knowledge and Heavens perspective, fulfilling Your blueprints and Your mandates, in Jesus Name.