

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Transformation

“ what honour You have given to men, created only a little lower than Elohim, crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence. You have delegated to them mastery over all You have made, making everything subservient to their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of Your image bearers. All the created order and every living thing of the earth, sky and seas – the wildest beasts and all sea creatures – everything is in submission to Adams sons.” Psalm 8: 5-8

According to Your word the responsibility for the environment and all animal life has been given to man, and we decree and declare in this nation the earth’s resources will be stewarded and protected according to Your original purpose.  We call forth the wisdom, plans, partnerships, and funding required, and we decree and declare every shift and change in the hearts of the nation will facilitate and align with Your will. We release innovative ideas, solutions and research in the Name of Jesus and we decree every adjustment and addition to current laws will create a healthy and sustainable environment.

We speak over every issue still to be solved regarding Brexit, and over every void left by the removal of European funding, including Medical research, farming subsidies and Regional & Urban development and we speak Your wisdom, Your solutions and Your provision.  We specifically call forth Your solution into every issue concerning the Fishing industry, that all quotas will be set according to Your design, and jobs & stocks preserved, that all the nations of Europe will prosper.


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